BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hello second trimester (officially)

14 weeks and I got a FREE ultrasound today! The pictures didn't turn out great because it wasn't a very good machine (and their main purpose was to train the nurse) so even though they were very nice and made me comfortable, they didn't take the greatest pictures. The pictures even got jammed in the machine so some of them have lines running through them. All in all, I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to see my baby again. I have my next doctors appointment at the end of the month where I hope to schedule my next ultrasound for early august. (I really hope to find out the sex of the baby before my birthday) I also took some short videos from the ultrasound which I will post shortly.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I love free stuff

Today I scheduled two different FREE ultrasound appoinments! The first one will be this friday at a new pregnancy center in town that were looking for volunteers for their new nurse to practice on. Maybe if I'm really lucky we'll be able to tell if it is a boy or a girl (depending on how good their machine is and if baby wants to cooperate). I can't wait. Then the OTHER FREE ultrasound I scheduled for October 11th when I am 29 weeks. It will be at the local community college who offers free 3-d ultrasounds for volunteers to train their students. I am really excited about that one becuase those things are expensive if you choose to do it on your own!

In other news, I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and I am feeling pretty good! I am planning on starting to work on the nursery soon seeing as how I will be getting some stuff for baby from family memebers. My mother in law told me she had found some great babythings and my cousin has some good hand me down baby gear from her little one. I can't wait to put it all together. I have been looking on different websites and trying to decide on where to register. There is so much cute stuff out there. I am still holding out until we know if it's going to be a boy or girl. Maybe if I cross my fingers and my toes I'll find out on friday. Trying not to get my hopes up though because I KNOW 14 weeks is way early to find out. But possible! haha

Another note, I am REALLY craving breakfast food. May have to make pancakes for dinner.