BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Time to spill the beans about our little bean!!!

We FINALLY got to tell everyone this weekend! First we told my parents and brother on Friday night when they got in to town. Then today we let my extended family know. Travis' family already knew when we told them at a cookout we had a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was so excited and I feel sooooo much better having told everyone. This was the hardest secret to keep!
Anyhow, week 9 is going pretty well! Still no appetite and a little nausea but not enough to keep me away from my mom's cooking! :-) I'll have my first big prenatal appointment on Wednesday then I guess he'll schedule my next ultrasound then.

Monday, May 24, 2010

We have a little bean!!!

We FINALLY got our first ultrasound today! I can't even begin to explain how excited I was when I saw the baby pop up on the screen! And seeing that little heart pumping was just absolutly amazing!
It's all so real now and I can not WAIT to tell everyone. Friday I'll get to tell my parents and brother so after that I'm pretty sure the cat will be outta the bag for good!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blessed Again

I have this girl in my preschool classroom, Trenady, she's 4 years old and talks to her angels in heaven where here Daddy is. One day we were talking and I asked her "Trend, will you tell those Angels to please send Ms. Katie a little girl just like you?" She looked up at the sky, pointed her little finger and said "Angels!, Send Ms. Katie a baby in her belly just like me!!!"

Two weeks ago, I got to ask Trenady to thank her Angels for me :-)

So here I am..... pregnant!!!! We are excited beyond words about our new little baby.
I can't WAIT to tell my family (and share this blog with them). I have to wait THREE MORE WEEKS to even tell my mom! Being their first grandchild, I want it to be so special when I tell them! Anyhow, they are coming to visit in three weeks, so I have plenty of time to think of a special way to tell them the news! (I'll have my first ultrasound by then too!)

Understandably, I am still nervous because of my previous miscarriage; but I am trying to stay hopefull and positive. Everything seems to be going smoothly and on course. I am feeling good, just tired and a little sick but so so so so so so so so so happy!

So here it is, a blog for my friends and family to track how my pregnancy and beyond is going. Thanks for being here for me. Love you all :-)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bitter Sweetness

"An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth,
Then whispered as she closed the book 'too beautiful for earth'"

We love our angel baby....February 2010