My intuition was RIGHT! We are expecting a little girl. Our ultrasound was amazing. We spent a good hour looking at our little girl and were able to see that she is healthy and growing!
The lady who did the ultrasound was wonderful, she explained everything that we were seeing. We were able to see some organs, the different parts of the heart, the brain, umbilical chord each of her limbs, face and abdomen. Everything looked good, and the best part was getting to see that she was is a girl! I loved seeing her sweet little face too. We were able to zoom into the face to see her little lips and she was opening and closing her mouth as if she were swallowing or yawning. It was so amazing. Today I felt her moving around alot. I have felt her before but it was so small and quick that it was hard to tell it was her, but today she was moving around for a good 15 minutes! What an awesome feeling!
We are still deciding on names but I am pretty sure we have the perfect name for our little girl picked out. I can't wait to announce it! I have told a few people and have gotten some good reactions as well as some rude reactions, but hey you can't please everyone. This name is perfect for our little one and makes me smile every time I say it. I can't wait to meet her!
I also can't wait for this weekend! Not only is it my birthday weekend, I also get to go home to Kentucky for my cousins wedding! I love weddings and from the details I have heard about it, her wedding sounds like it is going to be FABULOUS!
Oh and that Snoogle I was wanting.....totally got it for my birthday and I can't WAIT to sleep on it tonight (I convinced Travis to let me use it even though I still have 2 days before my birthday!)
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