We have decided to announce the name of our little girl despite not having her middle name picked out. Her name will be Mayleigh (pronounced May-Lee). I was worried about the spelling but I dilegently researched one night on the correct pronunciation of "Leigh" and it is infact "Lee". That said we LOVE her name.
Her namesakes include a few people in our family! Travis' grandmother's name was Mae Lee, my grandmothers maiden name was May and my other grandmother's name was Anna May and my fathers middle name is Lee. Besides her name being tied to many people in our family, we simply just love the name. It feels RIGHT and I love saying it outloud and referring to her by her name instead of "baby".
As for middle names, we are still deciding. Travis' pick is Kate, which I love, but I also love Anna. We have alot of Ann's and Anna's in my family too so it would definitly fit! Now it is just a matter of choosing!
I am feeling great lately and much more comfortable than I was in my first trimester. I definitly have my appetite back and am LOVING food. I am having lots of back pain but nothing my new snoogle pillow and some tylenol won't ease. I think I may be in the market for a back brace if it continues to get worse though.
I can't wait to get started on Mayleigh's nursery, but first I have to go buy some things. I LOVE buying pink stuff, it's so much fun!
Oh, and my belly seems to be growing every day! I'm sure it will get old when I'm too big to even stand up, but for now I am definitly enjoying my new round belly (especially when I can feel her moving around in it)!!!
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