A sweet ladybug dress from Aunt Courtney!

A little dress from B&B gifts. I'll have to get it monogramed once we decide on a middle name!
First of all, this looks amazing and I must have one. I'm officially not allowed to sleep on my back OR my stomach now. Something about cutting off blood to the heart if you sleep on your back and squashing the baby if you sleep on your belly. Unfortunatly, it hurts my back to sleep on my side. Again, I have GOT to get this pillow! I think this will be the first purchase I make with my next paycheck!
That being said...I feel great! Second trimester has definitly been a honeymoon period. Despite my growing belly, I have a little more energy, I'm finally hungry without the sick feeling and I'm anticipating feeling that first flutter! I thought I may have felt one yesterday, but wasn't quite sure.
I just spent a week in Ohio and Kentucky with my family; a much need vaction with lots of TLC from my momma :-) Oh, dear! I think I just felt a fluttler. Woohoo! Anyhow, we had a fantastic time. Watched the yankees play the indians, ate a LOT of yummy food, satisfied many of my soul food cravings and got to see my extended family in KY. We celebrated 3 birthdays at my aunts house and had a lovely bridal luncheon for my cousin Anne Bennet. I was so sad to leave, but I will be traveling back to KY at the end of next week for ABC's wedding!!!
In other news, I got my first pair of maternity pants last week and boy do I LOVE them! So comfortable. I feel like my belly is growing every day!
Every Wednesday feels like a giant milestone in my pregnancy. I am 18 weeks today and I can not WAIT for next wednesday because we will have our ultrasound to *hopefully* find out what the sex of the baby is! We've got our girls name picked out, now if only we could settle on a boys name!