I am finally in the home stretch of pregnancy! 11 more weeks until we get to meet our precious Mayleigh and I am beyond excited. We are in the midst of doing some "nesting". Cleaning the house and fixing up the nursery. All of the pieces are there, we just need to put them in place!
We were finally able to get a picture of Mayleigh's face, although it is still very blurry due to her face being so close to the placenta. She is doing well and growing right on schedule. According to my doctor, I am doing well also. I feel so blessed to have had such a great pregnancy so far!
I am looking forward to the next few weeks. Just about every weekend from now until December will be filled with baby showers and a maternity photo shoot by a friend. Time seems to be going so slow but so fast at the same time! Before I know it, it will be December and I will be preparing for this little girl to come in to the world!!!