BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have officially popped

Okay maybe it's only me, but there is a DEFINITE difference between weeks 23 and 25. I can tell a lot when I sit down, sleep and even just walk that my belly is definitely growing.
So here I am at 26 weeks. I have started going to physical therapy twice a week now for my back pain and and a chiropractor once a week to help with my alignment. Between the two, we have discovered that my right hip is rotated forward and out of alignment which is why I have had this sharp pain in my right SI joint for the past 4 months. So I am hoping between regular adjustments and continuing my physical therapy to strengthen my lower back muscles I may finally find some relief and walk like a normal person again! I LOVE my chiropractors office because they have a house massage therapist who is AMAZING. I had the best massage today that I have ever had in my life. She was wonderful! The best part is that it is covered by my insurance, so I can get at least a little relief for a much smaller price than going to a spa or something.
Fall is in the air and I am LOVING it. The cooler weather is making being outside with the kids much easier and I am looking forward to start going for walks in the park without getting sick over the hot air!
Things to look forward to this fall....... leaves changing, awesome weather, homecoming, maternity photo shoot, baby showers and Thanksgiving!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Whoah, baby!

This is what I think of when Mayleigh is kicking me:

Belly shot at 23 weeks

My "baby finds" from my Asheville trip last weekend

I forgot to add this picture to my last post, some clothes dividers for her closet
Mayleigh is definitly getting stronger! I can feel her kicks more and more lately in all sorts of places. (She must be as restless as her mommy) We had our 24 week doctors appointment, her heart was strong and she is definitily growing bigger and I am definitly growing rounder! I read yesterday that my uterus should be about the size of a soccer ball by now. Which the doctor confirmed, it has grown 4 inches longer since my last appointment a month ago and now sits a good 4 inches above my belly button. No wonder I have gotten so much rounder in the last few weeks!
I am loving my growing belly and every little kick she gets me with, but I am NOT loving the lack of sleep or the back pain. My doctor is sending me to a physical therapist to try to help with my back which we are hoping will help with my sleep. We also talked about going to see a chiropractor.

Nursery Craftyness

Mayleigh Kate
(still not positive on the middle name, just trying it on for size)

An "M" for her door

A sweet little rocker that her mammaw found and I painted

Her dresser with hand painted knobs and polkadots on the sides